About Membership

Build your Skills. Grow your Networks. Join IRM Now!

Individual and corporate membership will assist the members stay connected and boost their knowledge.

We aim at ensuring that our membership provides professional recognition worldwide and support for risk champions at every stage of their career through provision of relevant, challenging and globally competitive professional qualifications.

IRM membership provides support for organisation risk management teams. It raises the level of professionalism within a team and provides them access to engagement activities, skills and knowledge from which they can learn. It also gives them a sense of being valued, increasing their personal commitment to their employer.

IRM is committed to making risk management value adding to organisations by giving risk management professionals a voice on the important issues and empowering them to drive a positive change in industry.

With IRM(K), Members will stay abreast of latest trends and develop­ments in:

Strategic risk management                            Financial risk management

Leadership risk management                       Compliance risk management

Hazard risk management                              Reputation risk management

Operational risk management                      External risk management

The three core pillars of our drive to making risk management value adding to organisations are


We equip risk management practitioners for success through qualifications, certifications, and CPD tools to drive excellence in the risk management function.


We debate risk management and the impact it has on organisations – tackling difficult issues, giving informed points of view, and being a truly independent voice in the field of risk management.


We galvanize our organisations to create a positive impact in risk management and the wider world

Joining IRM (K) Membership is an investment in your career and the profession!

Membership of The In­stitute of Risk Manage­ment – IRM(K), gives you a risk management profession’s voice, globally recog­nized authority, acknowledged lead­er, principle advocate, and leading educator.

IRM is the only risk management membership institute regional­ly, committed to empowering risk management professionals. We give you a platform to raise important risk management issues and em­power you to drive a positive change in industry risk culture.

IRM is affiliated to International Risk Management Organisations and uses International Risk Man­agement Standards and Frame­works in all our professional un­dertakings.

We have partnered with all the major regional professional bod­ies and institutions.

We are raising the profile and increasing demand risk management professionals among key stakeholders, Nation­ally and Regionally by:

  • Promoting the value of risk management to key stake­holders
  • Connecting members across the world to share best prac­tices and real world risk man­agement solutions
  • Assisting members in their professional development with essential training and certification
  • Helping you earn credibility and respect in the field of risk management
  • Improving your risk manage­ment skills and knowledge
  • Ensuring you remain in­formed of the latest profes­sional news, trends, and is­sues that will impact on your risk management work
  • Advocating for the risk man­agement profession

Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are VERY RIGHT

Benefits of being an IRM member

IRM membership will allow you and your organisation to be part of the risk management revolution by de­livering benefits to your organisa­tion to ensure you are building best practice and driving positive impact. A partnership with us will also sup­port your organisation and all risk management staff by:

Raising professional risk management standards

Raising professional risk management standards through the IRM Code of Conduct, and Continuous Training

Connect with each other through networking

Allow organisations and employees to connect with each other through networking events and specialist groups

Access over 250 eBooks

Access over 250 eBooks, industry reports, blogs, podcasts and video information

Access to CPD tools and resources

Access to CPD tools and resources to grow and develop employees

Risk Management mentoring

Risk Management mentoring scheme to support career development

Earn credibility and respect

Helping you earn credibility and respect in the field of risk management

The Institute of Risk Management (K) Memorandum and Articles of Association provides for four categories of membership namely, Corporate, Fellow (FIRM), Professional Member (ERM) and Associate Member (AIRM).

  • Registration into these categories of membership, whose criteria is shown below, is carried out inpursuance of article 4 of the Articles of Association.
  • IRM membership allows you and your organisation to be part of the risk management revolution by delivering benefits to your organisation to ensure you are building best practice and driving positive risk management impact.
  • Membership is currently categorized into two corporate membership classes and three individual membership classes.

Individual Members

Individual members can register as:

  • Associate members
  • Professional members
  • Fellowship members

Corporate Members

  • The Institute of Risk Management registers corporate members from Public and Private Organizations, Civic groups, Not for Profit Organizations, Societies and Local Community groups through an established membership approval process.
  • Corporate Membership allows an organisation to gain exposure to industry leaders, access to standards and technological resources, while also providing savings on IRM’s well-known and respected educational workshops, certification programs and any professional risk management work provided by the institute to the corporate member.
  • One of the most valuable benefits of Corporate Membership is that ALL employees are be entitled to discounts on our products and services, such as conferences, seminars, workshops and endorsed events from other providers. Corporate Membership also entitles any employee to join IRM as an Individual Member at a discounted subscription.
  • Corporate Members are required to appoint up to five designees as the individuals attending Institute meetings, available to serve on Institute risk management projects, committees, and so on.

Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are VERY RIGHT

Becoming A Member of IRM

Corporate Membship

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Individual Membership

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